
IoT Solutions

In recent times, the term IoT – “Internet of Things” has been seen in many forms. IoT is a system of interconnected devices to transfer data over the internet. The transfer of specific data catering to the user’s need enables a person to access/change/share this data by our applications/software on all devices like laptop, computers, browsers, mobiles. We build customer-specific sensors or program which allow you to make your processes more efficient. This means you can automate repetitive tasks, reduce human error and make smart decisions based on our pattern detection approach. By incorporating attendance calculation and report generation, wages calculation, we have simplified the processes for our customers.

How does it work?
Categories : c
Date : 03-02-2021
Client : d

Improve Your Business Process

IoT can help improve your business processes

Through sensors and custom-developed algorithms that seamlessly together.

IoT Solutions

How it Works?

Step 01

Gather the information

Our team begins the information phase by studying your business process in detail and identifying critical points in the process. This helps us analyse and understand each and every step of the process. We gather numerous data points and map in order to better automate your system.

Step 01

Step 02

Find Solution and Solve

Once we have the process mapped out, and data points identified, we work towards procuring and configuring different IoT devices for the process. Each device is integrated with our software which records and monitors all data. This data is then processed and the outputs are determined. Using advanced statistics, we map processes with numbers indicating how they are performing in real time.

Step 02

Step 03

Implementation and Installation

Once the whole process is designed, sensors configured, and code for the software written and tested, it is time for us implement the solution. Our team installs sensors at multiple points that we identified and believe to be key indicators of any process. Once installed, we run a simulation to verify the installations, and once that is successful, the software takes over.

Step 03